Blogger Positivity Campaign: Introduction Post

09:12 Cilla 14 Comments

I couldn't resist signing up for this campaign when I came across it. Jillian at Jillian's Books came up with this idea to spread love and confidence among the blogging community. I haven't been blogging for long, but I wanted to be a part of something so positive and hopefully help uplift other bloggers out there!

Anyway, to kick things off, let's start with an intro!

The Bookworm and The Blog

I am Cilla, a Pisces, Potterhead, writer, and book hoarder. Paved With Books was born about six months ago, when I looked up at my family's ridiculous amount of owned books and thought that perhaps reading the books they love is one way to understanding them - and myself - better. While the reading is all about my family, I hope this blog will help me connect with other bookish people around the world. Plus, I love reading, I love writing, so it makes sense to start writing about reading!

I'm making an effort to pick through my unread pile rather than buying new books, so I end up with a little bit of everything. When I get books for myself, I gravitate toward YA and fantasy, but I also like a good mystery and contemporary.

Fun fact about that picture above: the author of the book is a professor of mine, and I got him to sign it for me. It's all about the psychological benefits of the seven deadly sins, backed up by dozens of research - a pretty cool read all around, though it did get me some weird looks when I was reading it at the airport!

The Location

At the moment, I blog from Surabaya, Indonesia. It is not the touristy part of Indonesia with the beaches and gorgeous views; it is the metropolitan part where it is too hot and there are too many motorbikes. That said, I get to complain about it because it's my home. A visitor does it and I tend to go 'rawr' on them. xD

Who/What Made Me The Reader I Am

My parents are my biggest influence when it comes to reading. When I was a toddler, my parents read me fairytales and fables. They say the first story I loved - to the point that I knew when to turn the page of the book even though I couldn't read for myself - was Sleeping Beauty. I like to think this is why, to this day, I love fantasy as a genre. More than that though, the fact that my parents keep a library in our house is the biggest reason I'm such an avid reader.

Who/What Made Me Decide to Create a Book Blog 

A friend on Goodreads, Cam, started posting her reviews, and I loved reading them. That was the first lure. By following her link, I started reading her blog, and the term 'ARC' popped up somewhere there. I asked her about it, and she told me about NetGalley. The idea that you could get free books in exchange for giving it your honest opinion was the second lure. I couldn't shake the idea after that, but it took me about six months before I actually took the leap.

What are your thoughts on the blogosphere today? 

I'm still a baby to the blogosphere, but everyone I've interacted with has been really kind.

5 random facts about you?

  • Disney animated movies make me happy, especially the classics. Beauty and the Beast is my favourite, but I also have a soft spot for Tangled and Tarzan.
  • I currently teach English as a Second Language. It's challenging, but it also makes me more protective of people who struggle with English. You don't realise how difficult a language is until you see people trying to learn it from scratch.
  • I have been a member of a play-by-post Harry Potter RPG site for six years.
  • Hugh Jackman is my ultimate celebrity crush. 
  • I love Nancy Drew video games. I'm absolutely terrible at them and always need help, but I LOVE them. 

5 favorite books you’ve read and loved?

5 favorite book bloggers!

And we're off!

With this post, the campaign has officially started! Every Friday, from November 20th until sometime in December, there will be a post on this blog contributing to the campaign. Also, check out the links on this post for the other 26 bloggers participating. I look forward to writing my part and reading everyone else's too! 


  1. This campaign is so cool! I'm taking part too and I'm really looking forward to reading everyone's posts.

    I love Nancy Drew video games too... Have you ever played Professor Layton on the Nintendo DS? It's not Nancy Drew, but I'm obsessed with it at the moment! Totally addicting...

    1. I agree! I'm reading your intro at the moment and really excited to read more :D I actually don't have a DS :( I just googled Professor Layton though, and I wish I could play it! It sounds right up my alley.

      Thanks for stopping by, Lara!

  2. I love your introduction, Cilla!! I literally had no idea you came from Indonesia! Hi, neighbor ^.^ Anyway, like you, my parents also got me to start reading books since I was young! I also stated out with reading fables and fairytales back then, and ever since, I began to lean towards other genres and books until I began to start gravitating towards YA.

    It's really cool how you're teaching English as a Second Language! And I also love the books you read. Cress is my favorite, and so is Deathly Hallows (which, until now, I still can't move on from that ending). I still have yet to read Life of Pi, though, but I partially watched the movie back then!

    Great and beautiful post! I enjoyed reading it and knowing more about you :) It was so nice to meet you, Cilla, and thanks so much for participating! I really appreciate it ♥️

    Jillian @ Jillian's Books

    1. Hello, neighbour! :D And *high fives* I feel quite lucky to have parents who got me to read, though my father actually complains that I read too much fiction these days!

      Thank you! I don't think I'll ever be over the ending of Harry Potter, and I hope you'll get to read Life of Pi one day. It's rather a strange book, but it's written beautifully. The movie actually does a really good job, in my opinion - the cinematography is so gorgeous in it!

      I'm glad you enjoyed it, and it's lovely meeting you too, Jillian! Thanks again for organising this campaign <3

  3. I love Disney animations, too! And Beauty and the Beast and Tangled were my favorites as well - probably because Belle is a bookworm and Rapunzel is quite awesome for a princess.

    I haven't started reading the Lunar Series yet, but I'm really hoping to start and finish every book before the year ends. I hope I'll love it as much as other people do! :)

    1. *highfives!* I absolutely identify with Belle's bookworm-ness, and Rapunzel really is awesome. Frying pans. Who knew, right?? :D Ooh I hope you get around to the series, and I hope you'll love it too!

  4. Indonesia sounds like such an interesting place - I've never been but even the metropolitan areas look amazing! Aw, Sleeping Beauty! I love fairytales even now that I'm not a little kid anymore... they're just so magical! Beauty and the Beast is also my favourite Disney film! I love it so much <3. But I agree, Tangled is pretty spectacular as well. Teaching English as a second language sounds like such a rewarding job - I love learning languages at school too.
    Fabulous introduction, Cilla, I really enjoyed reading it!

    1. Indonesia definitely has a lot to offer :D Yess, I still love fairytales too; some of my favourite stories these days are fairytale retellings. Yayy another Beauty and the Beast fan! That's awesome that you love learning languages! I think it's so important these days, and it can be so much fun.

      Thanks for dropping by, Rebekah!

  5. Potterhead for life! Oh my gosh, Tangled! It's one of the most underated Disney movies, I'm always so excited when I see someone else who loves it!

    I love how readings all about your family, that is so cool. My mom is also who got me into reading because she is the biggest reader ever.

    Also, hoping on the never-getting-over-the-end-of-Harry-Potter bandwagon, me too! I'm getting ready to reread the series over the holidays and *sob*, just thinking about it gives me all the feels!

    Lovely intro and I can't wait to see more of your posts! Isn't this campaign amazing???

    1. Hello, fellow Potterheads! :D I'm the same - it's always fun to meet someone else who loves Tangled! It's the best to have readers as parents, I think. And ooh have fun with the re-read of Harry Potter. I know what you mean - all the emotions hit me afresh every time I pick up one of the books </3

      This campaign really is awesome! Thanks so much for stopping by, Shay!

  6. Yeah! So glad to see you joined this campaign Cilla! :) I completely agree with everything you've said here. I am a huge fan of Disney movies as well, and bookwise I adore both Harry Potter and the Lunar Chronicles too. xD Thanks for sharing this and I can't wait to read your next post on Friday! ♥

    ~ Zoe @ Stories on Stage

    1. Thank you, Zoe! I'm glad to hear we've got those things in common :DD I look forward to reading your next post too! <3

  7. Aww Cil! You're too kind. I've never been anyone's favorite blogger before...except maybe my mom's :) Thank you for the lovely compliment!

    I too am a Potter-head and YA fiction is my favorite genre. Disney Classics are the best; Beauty and the Beast, oh my, give me the beast's library please. I always like Jasmine and Ariel too, they are so feisty.

    1. I love your blog, so you're very welcome, Alyson! <3 Ee, that's exciting that we have those in common! The Beast's library is the ultimate library goal, isn't it? Jasmie and Ariel are fabulous too :D


Thanks for reading! It makes my day to hear your thoughts and I will respond asap. :)