The Emoji Book Tag

23:25 Cilla 2 Comments

Thank you to Jane @ Greenish Bookshelf for the tag. Go check out her blog for some thoughtful reviews and awesome recommendations for Classics!

The seven booktubers who created this tag:

Liz from lizlovesliterature
Jenny from Jellafy
Sanaa from InkBonesBooks
Dylan from dylanbooks 
Max from WellDoneBooks
Vilde from vforvilde 
Scott from Scott Place

It took me a ridiculous amount of time to get the emojis to show up as I want them, but here we are at last:

 1. Cry-laughing emoji – A book/character that makes you cry of laughter. The first character that comes to mind is Thorne Carswell from The Lunar Chronicles. He constantly makes me laugh with his confidence/arrogance and his wit. I particularly love his banters with Cinder and his teasing of Cress.

2. Heart-shaped eyes emoji - my favourite character. Aah it's so hard to choose from all of the characters I love. I'm going to go with Ron Weasley from Harry Potter this time. He might not be book-smart, but he's clever, a loyal friend and a generous person even when he has so little to give. I understand his insecurities and love how he has to deal with them.

3. Crazy-tongue-out emoji - a kind of crazy and sassy character. I'm thinking Lilly Moscovitz from Princess Diaries for this oneShe always seems to have some pretty crazy ideas and isn't hesitant about executing them. Also, her intelligence means she always has some witty comeback to fling at her opponent.

< 4. Little pink hearts - favourite romance. My OTP has been and always will be Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. I love how organic their love story came to be, and that it's not a fairytale. Ron's intelligence is of a different kind from Hermione's, so they complement each other.

5. Smiley face emoji - a book/series that makes you happy. No surprise here - Harry Potter makes me happy. I'll never get tired of sinking back into its world. Nancy Drew also makes me happy; it's always fun when I get to tag along on her adventures!
I nominate:

Cam @ Cammminbookland
Erika @ Books, Stars, Writing. And Everything in Between
Alyson @ Harry, Jane, and John
 and you, if you want to do this!


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you did the tag. Love your answers. The Princess Diaries were one of my favorites series when I was in high school. And I love all your Harry Potter love. Just so good. I love Hermione and Ron's romance too :) I have only read Cinder in the Lunar Chronicles but I plan to read the other books too!

    Thanks again for doing the tag :)

    1. Thank you for tagging me! Harry Potter is the best, and I hope you'll enjoy the rest of Lunar Chronicles! :D


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